global becomes local
by creating positive impact and re-imagining rural economies through infrastructure design and integrated solutions.
villedge solutions
solar powered infrastructure
last mile satellite connectivity
financial services innovation
mobile health solutions
supply chain optimization
infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

we know you
How can we better provide for ourselves where our governments, technologies, and complex supply chains have failed? How do we keep up on technology and infrastructure while avoiding risk from pandemics, climate change, and automation? How do we create value in our local communities? How do we build future-proof road maps? How do we provide better for our families, our employees, our village? From the ground up.

we are all village
The world can no longer depend on big technology, big manufacturing, or big supply chains for basic rural economy needs. Gone are the days when the word village was a term to describe under-developed places in foreign lands. Villages now are all of us. Our homes, our shops, our schools, and our global community of neighbors. Never has “we’re all in this together” been so true.

villedge solutions
We are an elite team of respected energy, technology, financial and supply chain experts with global experience providing infrastructure solutions and fresh thinking at government, enterprise, and institutional levels. With bottom up hyper-innovation program designs and expertise helping entire countries re-imagine the possibilities in their last mile, imagine what we can do for you.